Blog/My (kinda) blogroll

From ~esantoro

In this page i collect links to website if visit often, including youtube channels and autonomous website.

I'm doing this for a few reasons, like:

  • I don't like to sign up to youtube on my iphone and on my ipad, so i need some other way to remember what channels i follow.
  • I've been having the feeling, lately, that standalone/autonomous websites [1] don't link each other very much and this leads to people spending most of their time on the same few website. This kinda feels wrong.
  • I don't want to log into youtube with my personal account on my work laptop (which i have to use for ~40 hours a week) so i want to keep a link to channels i watch

Websites and blogs

In staging


In staging

Weekly schedule

Quick Links for podcasts to listen to during the week, while I work / when I'm at the gym

On-line publications

Youtube channels


Youtube Channels in staging

These are essentially new channels i'm watching and for which I'm not yet sure i want to subscribe and keep around.

Music I listen to while I do other stuff

Other generally interesting websites


  1. To be intended as: "websites" that stand on their own without being deployed on some other publishing platform -- essentially "walled gardens"