Blog/Donating, January 2025: VLC Development Team
This is hopefully going to be a regular/periodic series of posts, and it's about donating money.
So something I wanted to do for a while is "giving back". To whom? To anybody I think has been or is currently doing meaningful, useful work.
This largely goes against my lazyness so an effective compromise here is to implement "giving back" via just donating money.
I had compiled a list of possible candidate projects and organisations but after seeing pictures and stories of the VLC development team at CES 2025 I have decided VLC is who gets my money for January 2025.
I won't go into the usual useless love letter to VLC. I've been using VLC for years and it's one of those rare instances of software "just working" without bothering you with the trendy bs of the month.

This post convinced me:

I don't need to know whether that has actually happened or not.
And since some people will not believe I actually did that... That's the page you get redirected to once you're done confirming the donation via PayPal.

We'll see who gets my money in February 2025!
Invite you to do the same! Pick some person or organisation that has been doing what you think is meaningful work and donate something!